Therapeutic Areas

Therapeutic Areas

Our global Pharmaceuticals portfolio includes more than 50 key marketed products, many of which are innovative leaders in their therapeutic areas. In 2014 we received a total of 13 approvals in the United States, Europe and Japan.

Cardiovascular, renal and metabolic

Transforming the treatment and healthcare system landscape using early interventions, pioneering treatments, and innovative partnerships to avoid preventable mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD), the world’s biggest killer, and ease the burden for people living with rare and progressive kidney disease by extending dialysis-free life.


Working to create a world where the millions of people with immunological conditions, and those who treat them, can live without compromise.


Creating a transformational impact for people living with severe neurological conditions and their caregivers by discovering, developing and delivering innovative medicines that change the course of disease progression.


Combining the power of science and empathy to unravel the inner workings of cancer and develop innovative therapies that restore hope to those with cancer and their loved ones.

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